
מציג פוסטים מתאריך מאי, 2015


Hi there to everyone, it's been a long time since i wrote, i was pretty dissconected from the western world. yes yes i have been purchasing rough diamonds in Africa. well let me tell you Africa is a crazy place and scarry for most of business men's/womens specialy in the diamond business and gold. yeah yeah i know your follow up question, why? a lot of foriegn brokers think that diamond and gold buyers not willing to fly to africa, they are absolutly wrong! we fly all the time sometimes even 2 times in a month. so why is your rough diamond buyer don't fly to africa by your recomendation in regards to a seller? because you don't know local prices you dont know local laws and you dont know how to minimize the risks! should i continue on what you don't know? i think it's enough. to get a buyer fly to africa for your seller you need to make asolid ground and establish good base from him to fly. how you ask me? fly first by your self ask the l...