
מציג פוסטים מתאריך מרץ, 2017

the chase after the stunnig pink diamond

hi to all of you curious indevidual and companies as one, it's been a long time yeah i know last few months i have been busy on a few mining operations and a couple of new offices across africa (not an easy job :-P). every person who wants to deal with diamonds specially rough diamonds watch the movie "blood diamonds" which the main actor is the famous and remarkable actor leonardo Dicaprio, to make everything short an ex-mercenary of the south african army walking around sierra leone during the civil war chasing after a man who was slaved by the rebbles and found a stunning huge pink diamond. personaly i have seen this movie so many times and never get tired every diamond dealer in africa wishes to find that type of colored diamonds in his career or at leaset one. i packed my bags heading to africa for a chance to have a look at an amazing pink,blue,green,purple or any remarkable nature history that i could find. my last 5 years flying from country to count...